Little Free Pantry - 2022
At the beginning of the pandemic, I had the opportunity to collaborate with fellow neighbour, Peter Pook, to create a Little Free Library. The installation and current use of this project is successful. Little did I know that another project similar to this existed, involving food sharing. I have always loved the idea of sharing books - read it once - pass it along - etc…. But to share food, this was something new to me and I got excited at the thought of creating a place where community members would benefit at a basic human level. With many new families moving into our neighbourhood, I was delighted to accept this project when Peter asked me a second time to collaborate.
The Little Free Pantry works just like the Little Free Library. The motto is “Take what you need. Give what you can”. Only non-perishable food items are allowed, and include toiletries, like soap and feminine products.
The project was then picked up by the members of the Anglican church community that had offered their land to have it install in. They were thrilled this was becoming a community art project their members would benefit from but also the surrounding neighbourhood. Personally, I was thrilled the students would have an art project they could view in public and be proud of.
Furthermore, in a public space, neighbours and friends have the chance to engage with this structure on a regular basis. So everyone benefits. A classic example where community art meets positive social engagement.